Part 1: It’s Not What You Think…Or Is It?

By September 3, 2022 September 9th, 2022 Blog, Wellness

Who am I? Where Do I Come From? Why am I here? Where will I go if anywhere after this life ends? What is the true nature of reality? Well I’m pretty sure that the answer to these difficult  questions is much bigger than any thing we human beings can confidently answer at this point in time and I’m also very sure they are way bigger than the stories we have been led to believe up to this point.

Possibly the only other question as important is should we even be asking these type of questions at all given our “small existence” as human beings in a huge Universe. Maybe we are just a naturally occurring biological accident of nature and the only reality is the one we can see, feel, taste and touch here on earth right now.  It would certainly be simpler to just keep our heads buried in the sand and our noses to the grind stone and let someone else deal with the difficult questions. In my humble opinion, up until recently most human beings have chosen to do just that…Let someone else tell them what to think about these “big” questions. They have let their religious, government, educational and scientific leaders tell them what to believe not to mention their families and friends. This has led to a human civilization “living a lie”!

The truth is we have been manipulated for the purpose of power and control. Led to believe that we are separate from and in direct competition with one another. That life on this planet is like living in a jungle and your purpose is to fight for survival. Take or be taken is the motto that we have come to live by and so of course if that is what the majority of humans believe then that is exactly what they will create … take a look around we live in a world driven by  fear, hatred, greed and selfishness. What was meant to be a “heaven on earth” has turned out to be a “Living Hell” and unfortunately this way of living is not sustainable and is failing right before our very eyes.

We are not the first human civilization to “self-destruct” and maybe if we had been asking some of those “tough questions” as stated above a little earlier we might have made some more conscious choices that would have produced some better results.  It may be to late to change our fate because so many people just aren’t willing or able to admit that they have been so manipulated. They are so totally vested in their “ego-driven” perception of reality and in the virtual reality game they have created that they don’t want to change!. For those unwilling to hear or even consider a different story,  they will probably “go down” with the sinking ship or in True Reality terms experience first-hand the end of a failing time-line. We will explore the concepts of “time-lines” a bit later.

For those who might still be open enough to explore some of the other possible answers to the big questions we started with let me challenge you to think bigger and more unlimited than you can imagine! There may be a “real” answer to moving forward on a different time-line with a much more desirable outcome. I encourage you to join us for Part 2 where we explore what the new sciences are showing us about the true nature of reality and what that could mean for our collective future.

Till Then…Be Well!

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan is a "semi-retired" Certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach with over 30 years experience in the Health & Fitness Industry. He spent the last 15 of those years as the owner and operator of his own Personal Training Center located in Vancouver Washington,