Part 2: The “Woo-Woo” is getting WEAL!!

By September 2, 2022 Blog


What the new technologies are showing us about the ‘True Nature Of Reality”

The Woo-Woo is getting Weal as Bugs Bunny might say! What used to taken as Science Fiction is now becoming Science Fact and it is “blowing our minds!”

For example, after a hundred years of “cover-ups” and “denials” governments around the globe are finally admitting that “extra-terrestrial beings” do probably exist and that they have visited earth in the past!  The US congress in an unprecedented move has recently declassified several files involving unexplainable encounters with UFO’s. They have even changed the name to sound less threatening. They are now called UAP’s (Unidentified Ariel Phenomena) They have even formed a new select committee to study and handle all past and future encounters…  Sounds REAL to me!

Quantum Physics has blown the “proverbial” lid off our old Newtonian physics by proving that everything is energy and energy is everything!  Thanks to powerful new “sub-atomic” microscopes we now see that even solid objects that we once thought of as inanimate (not alive) are very much alive and are nothing but energy vibrating at a slower frequency. Einstein told us many years back that everything was energy and energy cannot be killed or destroyed. So if we are energetic beings of light and information (spirit) incarnate in a physical body as science suggests and our energy body cannot die or be killed or destroyed does that confirm that a part of us lives on forever even after our physical body ceases to function?  That my friends gives whole new meaning to the concepts of death and dying!

Just as Quantum Physics has rocked our perceptions of our “micro-world” new Space Science is beginning to send back images and information of a much larger and unexplainable universe (our outer world) then we could have ever imagined. This leaves the door open to “limitless possibilities” and destroys the concept of “Sky’s the Limit!”  Space Scientists tell us that there are “billions” of galaxies just within our known universe, most we know nothing about! Do you really think for one second that we are the only living beings in such a vast universe? I highly doubt it!!

And if we have been visited by other “extra-terestrial” beings in the past as  our governments are now admitting,  does that explain the fact that almost all of our ancient cultures from all over the world worshiped “sky beings” as evidenced by writings and pictures carved into stone on their caves and temple walls or in the drawings and other materials they left behind. These depictions tell the stories from cultures all over the world and are so similar that how could it be that civilizations with no known contact located far apart from one another all over the globe could be sharing the same stories? Could it be possible that these extra-terrestrial beings played a part in the development of our ancient civilizations by providing technologies and information that might account for many of our unresolved questions about how these ancient civilizations were constructed (i.e. the pyramids and other unexplainable feats of construction.)  Even more intriguing is the possibilities that we are somehow linked to these beings? Could it be possible that we might have decended from these beings or at least inter-mingled and produced hybrids? Many experts who have studied these possibilities produce some very convincing evidence to suggest just that. Well that might bring into question our whole “creation story” and “rock the very foundations of all of our religious institutions! That would bring forth some interesting conversations I’m sure!!

Stay tuned for Part 3 where we will discuss Advances in Medical and Other technologies that are soon to impact human civilization!

Live Well!

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan is a "semi-retired" Certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach with over 30 years experience in the Health & Fitness Industry. He spent the last 15 of those years as the owner and operator of his own Personal Training Center located in Vancouver Washington,