By February 1, 2020 August 30th, 2022 Wellness

Energy Wellness… A New Approach?

As we begin a New Year in a New Decade is it finally time to change the way we approach our health and well-being? Maybe this new approach will be rooted in ancient traditions and expanded through technological advances and new discoveries in how are bodies and minds really work and the true nature of reality around us.

Could it really be possible that the human body has the innate power to repair, rejuvenate and defend itself from all of our most debilitating and deadly man made diseases? Could such a “natural” approach free us from the modern day, profit driven, quick fix mentality of the western medical system where the treatment of these diseases comes in the form of some ridiculously expensive and harsh drug or surgery? Could such a new approach begin to repair or replace a broken healthcare system, which in truth is not about “health care” but more about “sick care” and whose first priority is to serve the healthcare, drug and insurance companies who are profiting most from it?

Don’t get me wrong there is a place for drugs and surgery to be sure. If you suffer a traumatic injury and the bones, flesh or organs of the body need immediate repair surgery is the most effective option. If you need a pain reliever, antibiotic or disinfectant a shot or pill might be the best option. But when it comes to immune system or inflammatory conditions like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, MS, and even heart disease which are the leading causes of death and illness in our modern society, these drug and surgery techniques are not addressing the cause of the disease only masking or treating the symptoms once we have the disease.

It has become clear to those who study these conditions that the real cause is not our genetics or fate, but our diets and stress filled lifestyles! For example, it has been scientifically proven that stress triggers the “fight or flight” response in the autonomic nervous system which triggers the release of the stress hormones like cortisol and dopamine which in turn deregulate or weaken the immune system and increase the inflammatory response in the body which creates the perfect environment for getting an autoimmune disease.

Science has proven that the human body can indeed repair, rejuvenate and defend itself from these and other disease conditions when the mind and body are working together in harmony and homeostasis and the information and energy systems are balanced and communicating properly. Many of you may not be aware that the body has an “energy system” , but the fact is new scientific discoveries have proven that we are nothing more than conscious energy beings vibrating at different frequencies and waves that create different forms. Everything else in and around us is at its most basic level is nothing more than “energy”, hence the saying Energy is Everything and Everything is Energy!

Every person, place or thing including the planet and the universe we live in as well as all the space in between is nothing more than energy vibrating at different frequencies to create different forms and it’s all alive and it always will be! As Albert Einstein told us many years ago, energy cannot be destroyed, it does not ever die… it simply changes form!

Wow… think about the ramifications of that statement! Does that mean we never die, we simply change form? If so, it changes our concepts of life and death totally and we should never fear death or dying again!

If you have followed me either through my post’s on this website or as a coaching client you know I am really into learning more about fields of energy and its effect on our health and well-being! Our bodies have an energy field and when that energy is balanced and strong we are well! When our energy is weak or out of balance we are prone to disease! I strongly believe along with many scientists, healers, etc. that the future of medicine is Energy Medicine and the secret to living well lies in our understanding of the role energy plays in our body, mind and spirit connection!

I am not a scientist or a doctor, I am a seeker of knowledge, a student and for the last 15 years I have passionately been studying energy and it’s effects on our “well-being”! I have learned a lot but I have only begun to scratch the surface of understanding it all. I have re-committed myself to sharing information through regular post’s on this website throughout 2020 and beyond. In the following weeks I will be sharing new posts on Energy Wellness and “The mind-body connection”.

In the mean time I have some suggestions for anyone wanting to learn more about what was described above. Check out www.gaia.com a new wellness site featuring many of the top speakers in their fields and in particular two new series : 1.) Rewired by Dr. Joe Dispenza the leading expert in “Mind/Body Connection” and 2.) “Transcendence” featuring a number of the leading minds in natural health and-healing!

For those of you who are interested in products that use Energy Therapies to promote health and healing I recommend you check out a new Energy Wellness Product that I have been using from www.healthywavemat.com it is pretty amazing!
Be Well!

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan is a "semi-retired" Certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach with over 30 years experience in the Health & Fitness Industry. He spent the last 15 of those years as the owner and operator of his own Personal Training Center located in Vancouver Washington,