Living Well…Beyond Diet & Exercise!

By November 10, 2018 January 30th, 2020 Featured

Living Well…Beyond  Diet & Exercise!

So what does it really mean to be living well?  Is it more than just being “lean & healthy”, more than  looking good, feeling good and performing well? Is there such a thing as “Total Wellness?”  If so what is that?

As a self-described Wellness Coach I have been asked this question many times.  My simple answer is yes there is more than just living “lean and healthy”!  I believe we are triune beings consisting of body, mind and spirit. When we are in a state of Total Wellness all three aspects of our being are healthy, balanced and in harmony with each other and with everything around us! We are making “conscious choices” from our hearts not just our mind that promote and support that harmony. We have strong belief in who we are and why we are here!

For the last twenty years I have been helping people improve the way they look, feel and perform as a Personal Trainer. Most of those people sought me out because they wanted help losing weight and getting in shape and the initial approach always revolved around trying to create a “calorie deficit” by eating less and exercising more. What I quickly found out was that for many people just creating a calorie deficit was not a guarantee that the body would shed its excess body fat! In fact I found that many people would actually “hold on” to excess fat no matter how big the calorie deficit was. This led me to get really involved in learning what other factors might cause the body to retain excess body fat. To my surprise there were a lot more of them then I could have imagined and they all involved balancing the inner environment and the mind. Once I started addressing these “other” conditions along with good eating and exercise habits amazing results began to take place! I knew I had found something significant and it became clear that I needed to develop a comprehensive Wellness Plan to go with a  proper eating and exercise plan in order to produce maximum results for my clients. I became obsessed with developing a new approach to getting lean & healthy and I developed my “Total Wellness Plan” named “Time for Change!”

At the core of this plan is an understanding that “change” or “transformation” is an inevitable part of life. We are always changing! Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but nothing stays the same! What determines the better or worse is our choices and the experiences that follow. Unfortunately, most of us are making these choices from our sub-conscious (“unconsciously”) based on our past programming given to us by someone else, like our parents, peers, teachers and the media. Our choices are seldom “conscious choices” made from our hearts looking to the future.These sub-conscious programs are rooted in the emotions of FEAR and elicit the fight or flight response which triggers the release of certain hormones and chemicals in the body and mind and places us in a state of constant stress! Stress hormones deregulate or weaken the immune system and increase inflamation and all the diseases associated with these conditions like cancer, arthritis, MS and heart disease to name a few, can all be attributed to diet and lifestyle! If that wasn’t bad enough,the chemicals released by the stress response are also “highly addictive” so we become in a sense addicts to living in stress! Just look around, do you see any stress addicts?

This is just a shortened overview of some of the problems and should make you realize that there is way more to “Living Well” than just diet and exercise and if you really want to experience “Total Wellness” you need a Wellness or Lifestyle Plan to go along with your healthy eating and exercise plan. That is why I have a created my “Total Wellness Plan” that details how to change all three of these areas in order to provide a complete transformation of how you look, feel and Live!

To learn more about this amazing and affordable online coaching program CLICK HERE

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan is a "semi-retired" Certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach with over 30 years experience in the Health & Fitness Industry. He spent the last 15 of those years as the owner and operator of his own Personal Training Center located in Vancouver Washington,