The Delicate Balance Of Alkaline VS Acidic The Second Key

By February 18, 2015 September 4th, 2019 Blog, Health, Wellness

Everything in nature including the human body relies on a delicate balance of Alkaline versus Acidic. Most living things thrive in a slightly alkaline environment and begin to deteriorate in an acidic environment. This is totally evident when it comes to the human body!

The health and function of our body and particularly our Inner Environment is dependent on a delicate balance of Alkaline versus Acidic. Each and every component of our physical body from our individual cells to our blood, organs, muscles, bones and skin are dependent upon this delicate balance. We are born with an almost neutral, slightly Alkaline PH of 7.35 (ph is a numbered scale ranging from 0-14 used to measure the acid/alkaline balance) and the body has an extremely complicated and sophisticated system designed to keep the body and blood slightly alkaline for optimal health and performance. Did you know that if your blood ph varies up or down more than 1 whole number on the scale you are probably dead or near dead? That is what I would call a delicate balance!

Once again our Diet & Lifestyle Choices are disrupting this delicate balance and causing us to become more acidic all the time and the consequences are becoming more obvious with each passing year.

So what is making us more acidic than we should be? All those things that made us toxic to begin with! Toxic Pollutants in our air, food and water along with the over consumption of Acid Forming Foods like all forms of refined sugar, processed foods,  red meat, sodas, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, all deep fried and fast foods just to name a few. The other causes revolve around our fast paced, competitive lifestyle which causes a lot of Stress… Stress is the number one acidifier of the body!


Excess acidity is a condition that weakens all body systems. Excess acidity forces the body to borrow minerals including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from vital organs, bones and teeth to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body.  As a result the body can suffer severe and prolonged corrosion due to high acidity a condition that may go undetected for years.  This condition is called Acidosis!


Acidosis leads to serious problems with major organs such as the liver, heart or kidneys. Let’s look at some of the reasons as to why we should avoid acidosis.

  1. It leads to weight gain and diabetes.

  2. It accelerates free-radical damage and premature aging

  3. It disrupts lipid and fatty acid metabolism

  4. It corrodes arteries, veins and heart tissues

  5. Acid pH changes of blood are now thought to result in the following:

  • Development of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

  • Aneurysm (widening and ballooning of artery walls)

  • Arrhythmias (abnormal rhythms of the heart including tachycardia)

  • Myocardial infarction (heart attacks)

  • Strokes (a cardiovascular accident).

So what specifically happens when the body gets to acidic? An Acidic Balance Will:

  • Decrease the body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients

  • Decrease energy production in the cells

  • Decrease the body’s ability to repair damaged cells

  • Decrease the body’s ability to detoxify heavy metals

  • Enable tumor cells to thrive

  • Make the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness.

  • Force the body to hang onto fat to protect the vital organs and “Internal Environment”

An Acidic and Toxic body is a “Breeding Ground” for all of our most devastating diseases and it promotes fat storage and poor performance!

So how do we shift this acidic balance to a slightly alkaline balance? Well we will get more into the “How To Fix It” aspect in an upcoming article, in the mean time if you want to get right into it you can read my FREE SPECIAL REPORT which will completely explain how to bring your body back to a slightly alkaline state.

In the next article we will look at Hydration and how it affects our ability to lose fat and stay healthy! Watch your in-box in the next couple of days!

Live Well!


Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan is a "semi-retired" Certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach with over 30 years experience in the Health & Fitness Industry. He spent the last 15 of those years as the owner and operator of his own Personal Training Center located in Vancouver Washington,