By February 17, 2015 September 4th, 2019 Fitness, Health

OK, Ready to get started?  In the next few articles we are going to be taking a little journey into the “inner –environment” of the human body in hopes of understanding what are the key components to living “lean and healthy” for life. We will learn what specific conditions in the body could be affecting our ability to lose fat, have good energy, and avoid the chronic illnesses and disease that plague our society?

Before we  start in with the specific keys of the inner environment it would be wise to first get a little education on one of the most basic and important principals in regards to our health and well being!

What is the “True Nature Of Reality”? I will bet it is not what you think it is!  So let’s take a little journey “down the rabbit hole into the realm of the quantum world and the “true nature of reality!”  Not what we think is real but what   quantum scientific confirms for us is REAL!

“Everything is Energy”!  There is NO-Thing that does not have energy! Therefore, there is NO – Thing that is not alive because if an object has energy it has movement or frequency and if it has movement it is alive.  What do I mean by energy? I’m not talking about the energy we feel to do things or how amped up we are, I am talking about the “life force energy” that is present in all things… that in fact IS ALL THINGS!

To put it in simplest terms you could take any object… a rock, a piece of bark, a droplet of water or cell from anywhere in your body and place each of these items under the most powerful atomic microscope and if you went all the way down to its most basic nature (the atomic level) you would see each of these items would look exactly the same.  What you would see Is Atoms, Protons and Neutrons all spinning, moving in a particular manner. They would all be alive!

I could take an hour going into the realms of Quantum Physics trying to explain to you the science of this but I think it might be quicker and more entertaining to watch the following 2 short videos that will give you this basic education.  Please take a couple of minutes to watch each and we will continue below.

Ok; now you have a little better understanding of the quantum world and how it relates to the human body. If all we are is Energy as we learned in the video and if our body’s health and well being is dependent on this energy and information system, it would seem wise for us to learn more about how this system works and how we can keep it in balance and functioning optimally!

I am not going to go a lot deeper down the “rabbit hole” in this blog, we will save that for future articles. I also cover it pretty thoroughly in my NEW Ebook “Time For Change” which is the guidebook for my NEW Total Transformation Program which you will be learning more about later on!

As with our Energy and Information Systems the remaining key components are also based around the principal of BALANCE! All life in and around us in nature revolves around the key principal of Balance! When anything gets too far out of balance then dire consequences usually follow!  In the next article we will explore the first key component…  HYDRATION!

Talk to you soon…Live Well!


Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan is a "semi-retired" Certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach with over 30 years experience in the Health & Fitness Industry. He spent the last 15 of those years as the owner and operator of his own Personal Training Center located in Vancouver Washington,